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🔎 construction preserve right properness and compatibility with simplicial enrichment
🔎 data determined bimonoidal functor
🔎 defining isomorphisms involving objects
🔎 development involving study of clone and double-dualization structures
🔎 diagrams form cubical set with compositions
🔎 Different network models describe different kinds of networks
🔎 differential operator satisfy number of equations, which guarantee, in particular
🔎 difunctional relation admits pushout which is stable under pullback and itself a pullback
🔎 cases where $X$ is a $P$-space and, more particularly, where $X$ is discrete receive special attention
🔎 E admits geometric morphism
🔎 evaluation provided defined functor $W
🔎 E and F differ objects
🔎 f preserves monomorphisms
🔎 Fermat theory admits canonical superization
🔎 functor preserve structures
🔎 functor allows construction of one-object analogues of other categorical structures
🔎 G of G satisfy exponential principle
🔎 quotients of a given Lie groupoid determined effect
🔎 globular nerve satisfy Kan condition
🔎 inclusion functor preserve small sums