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🔎 initial sections duplicate beginning of that paper
🔎 isomorphism satisfy coherence conditions
🔎 iteration pseudomonad inducing pseudomonads
🔎 largest commutator satisfy certain properties
🔎 reversible left adjoint sided enrichment $F: {\cal V
🔎 total left derived functor of a left Quillen adjoint
🔎 Lie algebra given solution of the Yang
🔎 locally partially ordered reversible bicategories inducing adjunction
🔎 state space of a machine admits structure of time
🔎 magnetic monopoles form abelian groups
🔎 monad form stacks
🔎 Moore category represents bimorphisms
🔎 morphism inducing base change functors acting
🔎 notation extends capacity to give simple proofs of complicated calculations
🔎 notion generalizing known notions of pseudo and lax limit
🔎 aim of this paper present perspective that addresses this issue
🔎 purpose of this paper indicate bicategorical properties of ring theory
🔎 purpose of this paper extends results of TAC Vol
🔎 paper studies lax higher dimensional structure over bicategories
🔎 paper extends idea